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Saturday, January 9, 2016

What do we believe 1?

What do we believe . . . 
Our belief about “the present” is why we have chosen to be where we are today (in church or outside of church) – and “what we believe” about 
tomorrow determines the direction that our lives will take toward the future of all of our tomorrows . . .
When we talk about “religion” we could name a variety of things regarding “what we believe” about our present life – as well as
what we believe about “the next life” (if in fact we do believe that there IS a next life).
Now the basic reason that “religion” even exists is because of what men BELIEVE happens to them when they die . . . and
based upon what WE BELIEVE “happens” to us “after we die” – we have “bought in” (or subscribed) to a particular type of religion.
In the book of Job 14: 14 we read . . .
Job 14:14 If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come.
So the universal “question of life” really doesn’t deal with the present life . . . but it is actually a question about death and what occurs during the NEXT life.
What a man “believes” about the present life is important . . . but what he believes about the NEXT life is even MORE important.
Our beliefs about "what comes next" . . . will determine the direction of our lives and where we are “today” . . . what we believe about eternity is responsible for what we believe about "today" . . . if there is no eternity – 
then the only purpose of “today” is to find pleasure . . . if however we will live in eternity – then the purpose of today is to PREPARE for that life in eternity.
“What we believe” about “the next life” has quite literally motivated each of us to find a religion which promises to take care of us in the next life . . . and according to the internet –
there are about 4200 different religions that exist throughout the world . . . and each one of these religions promise “comfort” to the
believer after they die . . . what this means is that there are a number of different beliefs about what really happens to us when we die
which give rise to about 4200 different “systems of teachings” (called religion) each of which promote HOW TO avoid
“unpleasant” circumstances which are believed to exist after death – as well as teachings about HOW TO achieve “pleasant” circumstances which are believed to exist after death.
So knowing that we are alive – and possessing a belief in this life about “what happens” AFTER this life – we should realize that the
most basic purpose of “religion” is to provide guidance in this life – about HOW TO succeed in the next life. 
So from this perspective “Religion” is basically a road map . . . or a HOW TO BOOK regarding how to succeed in eternity. 
If there are 4200 road maps describing the path which leads “to eternity” the odds of picking “the right” map by just choosing one at
random are 1/4200 or about .0002% chance of following the right path and finding peace in eternity. 
These are not good odds at all . . . but if this were the best that we could do . . . then knowing that there have been an estimated
110 billion people that have ever lived on planet Earth – means that only about 26 million people "throughout all history" have found “the right” 
religion . . . and have any chance at all to find peace with God in eternity . . . but suppose . . . that ALL religions were pointing in the wrong direction . .
this would mean that following ANY type of religion would give us a ZERO% chance of finding peace in eternity . . . which if this were true - it would 
basically mean that (as far as the next life and eternity were concerned) that the entire human race was 100% guaranteed
to fail in their search for a pleasant experience in eternity.  God has tried to tell us this very thing in scriptures like . . .
Ro 3: 23 For ALL HAVE SINNED, and come SHORT of the glory of God;
Ec 7:20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
Ro 3:10 As it is written, There is NONE righteous, no, not one:
If we do the math about our chance of finding “the right” religion . . . out of the estimated 7 billion people that are alive today – only 1.6 million
of them have a chance to go to heaven . . . but according the The Bible . . . 100% of the human population is destined for hell.
An example of what we are talking about can be seen in what is called the shell game . . .
this is when a pea is hidden under one of three different shells . . . all you have to do is to keep your eye on the shell that contains the pea . . .
The objective of this game is to test your eyes to see if they can track fast enough. This game involves fast thinking and good eyesight.
All you have to do is to place your bet, then keep your eye on the small black ball and then figure out which shell it is in after the shells are shuffled.
The point is . . . if the pea has been removed so that it is not under ANY of the shells – then instead of having a 1/3 chance of getting the
prize . . . then no matter how good your eyes are – no matter how fast you think . . . when you place your bet - you have a ZERO% of winning . . .
All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God . . . For those of us who are depending upon religion to keep us safe in
eternity . . . Satan has drawn us into a shell game . . . but he has secretly removed the pea . . . no matter how good you live – no
matter what religion you choose - you cannot win because there is no pea under ANY of the shells . . . likewise in regard to eternity . . .
There is no religion that is capable of leading even the .0002% who would be lucky enough to find it – to a place of peace with God in eternity.  
So it is time for each of us to consider “what we believe” about heaven – what we believe about hell – what we believe about eternity.
And what we believe about the promises that over 4200 different religions make to us regarding HOW TO find a pleasant experience in “eternity” after death.
As we come to a close in this lesson . . . do the math for yourself . . . if you are depending upon religion to save you . . . the odds are
not good at all . . . in fact (if you would be honest about it) you really don’t stand any chance at all . . .
So what do you plan to do about eternity . . . Do you understand that “Christianity” – Jesus and the cross – faith and repentance . . . are not simply things that define another religion
Religion is defined as . . .  commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance.
Religion is what-ever “a man” happens to believe . . . if a man believes the wrong thing – then that man has “the wrong” religion . . .
Compare this concept of “religion” with “The Truth” . . .
The Truth is not something that is defined by mankind . . . in fact The Truth is not something that is dependent upon man in any way at all . . .The Truth begins with GOD . . . in fact God is TRUTH.
So “what we believe” as a man will have no effect at all upon “The Truth” . . . in other words something will not “be true” just because we WANT IT to be true . . .
What the “majority believes” has no bearing on “The Truth” either . . .
If every single person that had ever been born "believed with all of their heart" that the pea was under the middle shell . . . this would not change 
the truth . . . which is that there is no pea at all . . . the “bet” would be lost – and the entire human race would perish because they chose “the wrong” religion.
Consider some of the things that we have always heard . . . it doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere . . . let’s
adapt this to fit our example . . . it doesn’t matter which shell you believe the pea is under – as long as you are sincere . . .
The Truth that is over looked in this philosophy is that it really doesn’t matter which shell you believe the pea is under at all . . . because
there IS NO PEA under any of them . . . You see RELIGION is not the answer to the question of life . . . JESUS is . . . 
The devil “cheats” – he has the whole world fighting over “religion” (where the pea is located) . . . when the truth is – there is no pea at all.
Ye shall not surely die . . . don’t worry about eternity – concentrate on your present life . . .
So what we believe about GOD and JESUS are more important than any other belief . . . because if there is no God then “Christianity”
is just another “religion” . . . and the more religions we can experience during life – then the better our odds . . .

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