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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Remember and worship

II Thessalonians – lesson #2
1  Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
This letter was written to a Local NTC in the ancient city of Thessalonica – located in modern day Greece . . . if we let them - the things which Paul
wrote to strengthen this church in ancient Greece – will also strengthen our local church today . . . and if we let them - the warnings from Paul of 
things which would hinder the worship of this church in Thessalonica – are warnings that we should also consider today - as things to avoid in our local church as well . . .
Now the very idea of “a church” – brings to us at once to the concept of worship . . . after all “a church” is considered to be a house of worship –
but . . . Have you ever wandered just exactly what the term “worship” actually means . . . How do we worship – What do we worship – When do we worship – What is the purpose of worship?
Worship is a commandment from God that has been given to man . . the “concept” of worship is clearly implied in the first of the TEN Commandments.
Ex 20: 1 And God spake all these words, saying,
2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
The first of the Ten Commandments is given in verse 3 which follows . . . but these first two verses are important because it is here that God clearly defines who HE is (He is our deliver) and He also clearly defines who We are . . .
We are (the ones that have been delivered) we were once in bondage – but God set us free . . .
This knowledge of what God has done for us - is to be the very basic foundation of our worship . . . if we refuse to humble ourselves before God – if we
refuse to see that we are “in bondage” to sin – and that God is our only hope of deliverance – then we will never submit to the commandments (that
actually set the stage for our PROPER worship of God).  Previously we have mentioned “our rule of faith and practice” as it relates to worship . . . It is
IN the first few of the TEN Commandments that God teaches us WHAT to worship – HOW to worship – and WHO to worship . . . as well as teaching us the
 CONSEQUENCES of worship . . . and the consequences of NOT worshiping.  Commandment #1 is that as a TRUE worshipper God commands that . . . we only serve HIM and no other . . .
Ex 20: 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
God commands those whom He has delivered from bondage to REMEMBER that without Him – they would still BE in bondage . . .
This is the answer to the question of WHO we should worship . . . God commands that we worship ONLY the God that set us free from the
bondage of sin . . . the implication being – that if we have NOT been set free from the guilt of our sins through salvation – then we cannot offer 
proper worship to a God that we have refused to obey because of our unbelief.  The purpose of Ex 20: 1-2 is to establish 1) Who to worship and 2) the REASON for worship.
The WHO is for us to Worship the God that saved your soul – and the REASON for this worship – is to basically advertise to the world that we 
are not the least bit ashamed of God and we are not the least bit ashamed of what God has done for us from a spiritual perspective . . .
Pride is a funny creature – we are not too proud to say in public that God blessed us with good health – or that God blessed us with a new car . . . 
but we are often ashamed to say that God {through faith in Jesus and repentance of our sins} has blessed us spiritually with his salvation . . .
Human pride {in regard to the concept of worship} is similar to a man who is dying with Cancer – who upon being treated by a Doctor – refuses to 
give any credit to the Doctor . . . but claims to have cured himself by changing his diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle . . . religion is 
something that has been designed for the man who thinks that he is able to help God “save him” by changing his lifestyle and turning over a new leaf and becoming involved in the community
– while genuine “Christian Worship” has been designed for the man who knows that God is his savior - and that as a sinner – “his lifestyle” has
played no part at all in his own salvation – other than to admit his guilt before God – other than seeking God’s forgiveness – and trusting in Jesus FOR that forgiveness . . .
So where does this lesson indicate that you and I are individually - in terms of religion or genuine Christian worship?
What does it mean to each one of us “to be delivered from the bondage of sin” . . . is this something that we think that we could have
eventually accomplished  on our own – or do we understand that without Jesus – we are without any spiritual hope  what-so-ever?
Do we sometimes feel that we have earned a “thank-you” from God in return for all the good that we have done in our religion . . . ?
The world’s perspective of RELIGION is all about the good that WE HAVE DONE . . . while God’s perspective of Worship is all about what JESUS  has done . . . So as we analyze our lives . . .
Do we practice religion (which will honor us) – or do we worship God (which will honor ONLY Jesus Christ)?
You see a true worshiper – a real “right out of the Bible” Christian is defined (not by pride) but by “humility” – the man who worships God is 
man who denies himself as he hides behind Jesus . . . Because he is a man who is “submissive” unto the will of God . . . the man who is a real 
Christian does not see himself as “doing good” – but rather the Christian sees himself as an UNPROFITABLE servant.  
We mentioned this very thing in our last lesson – it bears repeating because the presence of PRIDE in our heart will totally ruin any attempt that we make to worship God.
Luke 17: 7 But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat?
8 And will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink?
9  Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not.
10 So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.
So as we consider this concept of worship – can we see the differences that exist between the worship of God through obedience and the worship of ourselves through religion?
The first of the Ten Commandments clearly deals with the worship of the God which saved our souls . . . thou shalt have NO OTHER GODS before me . . .
And the next one is just as clear . . . Ex 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;
6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
Let’s take just a few moments and look at these two commandments with the idea of comparing religion with Christianity . . .
Religion makes a pretense of worshiping God – but in reality – religion is designed to allow a man to feel good about how much he has helped God.
To have no other gods before me means that worship requires us honor God - and we do this through obedience . . . while religion requires that
we not offend the world with the truth about sin – so religion is where we learn the art of compromise and how to be politically correct - so as to be able to reach a greater number of people with our “religion of 
compromise” . . . is it better to tell a 1000 people a lie that will make them feel better about themselves – than it is to tell a 100 people the truth which they need to hear about how their sins have separated them from God . . .  
Do you see the problem with the compromise of religion?
I think a big new church building is a very good thing – and I also think that “reaching more people” in our church is also a good thing . . .
– but I do not think that hiding part of the truth in an effort to be “less offensive” and attract more people to “our religion” serves any useful purpose at all.
The real unvarnished truth is simply this . . . if your choice of which church to attend is based upon the size of the building or upon all of the “things
that are offered” to engage the youth . . . then this is proof that you have completely left “God and The Truth” out of the equation altogether . . .
The Truth can be taught in an un-air-conditioned tent by an uneducated preacher to a group of individuals who are more concerned about
Worship than they are about entertainment - and who are more concerned about learning more about God than they are concerned about what
everyone will think when they find out that they go to “that kind of a church”
thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image . . . thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them . . .
I am not going to a church that does not provide activities for my children . . . I am not going to a church that does not have a new building . . .
Explain to me how this is any different than bowing down and serving a golden statue (a graven image) as your god?
I will not worship God – unless I can do so on MY TERMS . . . or in a building that do not have to be ashamed of . . . or unless the preacher is 
highly educated . . . unless they a youth program . . . This choice is yours to make . . . but this is religion 101 – this is SELF WORSHIP not GOD worship . . .
I will not worship in a church – where the truth is compromised . . . where entertainment is used to attract . . . where the pride of religion has 
replaced the humility of Christianity . . . once again – this is your choice to make – but you should recognize the difference between Christianity 101 and religion 101.

END Lesson #2

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