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Friday, April 24, 2015

To dry up

Lesson #3 pages 10-12
We read the following in II Thessalonians 1:
1 Paul, and Silvanus, and Timotheus, unto the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
We have determined that Paul – Silas – and Timothy are three men who are laboring (or working) to help establish and strengthen a local New 
Testament Church (NTC) in the city of Thessalonica . . . which

we have learned is a sea port city that is comprised (made up of) several different nationalities (Jewish, Greek and Roman) citizens . . . 

So the church that was located in this city was not much different than the modern day church which you and I attend today . . . 

Often our fellow church-members are today also from varied backgrounds and even from different countries - But even though we come from different places we are all united here for only ONE purpose – and that purpose is to honor the God of our salvation.

The concerns that the apostle Paul had regarding this ancient church – might well be the same type of concerns that Paul would have for our church today if he were alive and communicating with us by letter (or email).

The church in this city that was located in ancient Greece, has been defined for us as one that has the same type of foundation which our present churches have . . . 
The author of this letters begins . . . the church “in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . . .” the local church of The New Testament (NTC) is built by God’s POWER not man's power.

Today the church to which we belong is a church that is also IN GOD – which means that we only exist through God’s power –and not by way of our own intelligence or our own strength.

The local church of The New Testament has been founded (established) upon God’s Son JESUS CHRIST . . . and the church to which we belong
today has also been established (or based/built) upon this same Jesus – 

To have "such a foundation" as this tells us that the only way that our local church can be “over powered” is for God’s power to be "insufficient" to protect us – and for Jesus Himself to fail . . . 

Now we have all known of “churches” that no longer exist – in fact this church of the Thessalonians can no longer be found as a "functioning local NTC" . . . 

Does this mean that God’s POWER failed them – and does this mean that Satan overcame Jesus Christ?
No – what this means is that the particular church at this specific location just "dried up on the vine" . . . people moved out of the community . . . there was a lack of interest among the younger generation - and when the "old 
people" died - the church died with them.  

Because this particular church is no longer "alive" - does not mean that there are no longer religious organizations in the city of Thessalonica - what it means is that "religion" has replaced Christianity.

The PURPOSE of the local church of The New Testament is to glorify GOD and not to glorify man.  You see what often happens to a local NTC
is that even though Satan cannot overpower The Truth by way of a direct frontal attack . . . 

he can introduce the disease of "false teaching" . . . It is true that Satan cannot overcome Jesus Christ and destroy the Lords’ church . . . but Satan CAN and DOES attack the individual lives of the church-members . . .

Now if THE PURPOSE of the local church of The New Testament is to glorify God . . . what better way to make this church “dry up” than to deceive the church leaders as to the REAL PURPOSE of a local NTC . . .

Rev 2: 4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
My point here about the church of the Thessalonians having long since dried up – is not to leave the impression that Satan fought against God and gained control so that he destroyed the Lord's church . . .

My point is - that Satan wages a war in the personal lives of every single child of God who loves God’s Truth.
1Pe 5:8 ¶ Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
It is simply not conceivable for Satan to overcome the POWER of God . . . it is just not possible to think that Satan could destroy (tear down) that organization which has been built upon Jesus Christ {referring to the NTC}.
Mt 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock (not upon you but upon MYSELF – the rock of ages) I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
So when a church "dries up" – this does not mean that the gates of hell have prevailed over Christ . . . what it means is that Satan has won a victory in
the lives of those church-members who NO LONGER love Jesus Christ as they once did . . . 

Notice Rev 2:4 and 5 . . . Jesus tells this church that she has "left her first love" and that unless she repents – Jesus will leave her (remove her candlestick) . . . 

So a church that fails - is never defeated by the power of Satan – a church that fails is defeated from WITHIN . . . and this occurs when "the church-member" no longer has a desire to be separate from the world – but instead she has a desire to PART OF the world – 

this is exactly what it means to “leave your first love” . . . and if this was enough to motivate Jesus to “divorce” the church of Ephesus – it will also be enough to motivate Jesus to “divorce” our church as well . . . 

As we consider these thoughts – I simply want to establish for us the attitude of heart that is necessary for worship to “take the place” of religion - so that we might remain true to our first love Jesus Christ . . .
Luke 17: 9  Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not.
10 So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. 
God does not owe any man a debt of gratitude for services rendered as a Christian . . .
Ec 7:20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. 
When (as God’s children) we have done that which is our duty to do – our attitude should rightfully be that “we are unprofitable servants”.
It is essential that (as children of God) – that we should constantly be aware of the fact that “to be saved” does not mean that are NOT GUILTY . . .

To be saved means that we have been FORGIVEN - it will never mean that we are innocent . . . 

if we have been saved - the only difference between us and the lost man "in hell" is that even though we have committed the SAME CRIME "we" have been pardoned – while he has refused God’s pardon.
The man who realizes the true meaning of being “set free” from the burden/bondage of this guilt - is the man who forsakes "religion" – and spends his life offering worship to God.  
Religion is something that we practice or something that we DO . . . it is an activity that is accomplished . . . 

while worship is something that we offer in the form of a (sacrifice) as we "give our lives away" regarding the sacrifice of SELF WILL so that we might accomplish GOD’S will.
Until next time . . . try to think of ways that we can separate "being religious" from being a Christian.

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