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Friday, May 1, 2015

Relgion vs Christianity

We have been discussing the differences that exist between “religion” (like the Pharisees practiced) and true worship (as a “Christian”) which the
Disciples of Jesus learned to offer . . . Now to set the stage for the difference between religion and Christianity – did you notice that the Pharisees
“practiced” religion while the disciples “offered” worship.  A sports team “practices” in order to enhance their performance . . . Christians sacrifice in order to promote Jesus Christ.
The key to the difference between “the religion of man” and the “Christianity of Christ” - is the same as the differences which exist between the terms known as humility and pride.
Humility points ONLY to Jesus while pride might “include” Jesus – but it does not point directly TO Jesus . . . we say this because somehow - pride must always include “you and I” in the picture.
Pr 6: 16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:
17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,
19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.
Notice that with the exception of (shedding innocent blood) that not a single “sin of the flesh” has made this list of what God hates the most . . .
The reason for this could possibly be – that all of these other sins have their beginning with pride.
Pride (hypocrisy) – which is something that we are all fully capable of practicing - is sin number ONE . . . and “number TWO” on the list
(which is a lying tongue) goes right along with sin “number ONE” – in fact they are basically the same sin . . . To lift ourselves up in pride – not
only means that we are lying to one another – but it is also means that we are guilty of lying to God.
Now sin “number three” refers to hands that shed innocent blood . . . I am quite certain that each one of us can honestly say that they have
never committed this sin of “shedding the blood of the innocent” . . . BUT – before we pat ourselves on the back regarding this third sin – I want us to
consider THE CONSEQUENCES of lying to “God and to one another” by way of lifting ourselves up in religion with false pride . . . Whose lives are
destroyed when the truth about a “hypocrites life” is finally revealed as not being so righteous after all . . . haven’t the lives of many innocent people
been damaged because of the confidence they had placed in hypocrites who finally got caught?
Romans 12: 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.
To not be “conformed to this world” means not to “clothe our lives” with the same type of covering that “the world” puts on their lives . . .
To be “transformed by the renewing of your mind” – refers to taking off “the coat of religion” – and putting on the “cloak of Christianity” . . .
Who suffers the most when we claim to be something "more" than what God testifies that we really are which are . . . sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God . . .
Before his conversion – (that is before Peter had learned the difference between religion and Christianity) . . . before he “changed his clothes” by
the transforming of his mind . . . when Peter lifted himself up in the false pride of his religion - claiming that he would not only “not deny” The
Christ – but that he would follow Him - even it meant his own death . . . who was injured the most when “the truth” revealed that Peter’s
religion fell short of what Jesus had defined as “the commitment and the sacrifice” of Christianity? 
We all have an effect upon those living around us . . . my behavior – my way of life – my faith or the lack of faith in my life – the humility that is 

present or absent in my life – the pride that is present or absent in my life  . . . all of these things will have an influence upon those who know what I claim to believe in . . . 

and if my life is “consistent” with my beliefs – then my influence upon others will be more positive than negative.
Mt 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
When Peter denied Jesus Christ – not only did his tongue lie to God – but it also lied to those men who were around him . . . they were men who
were aware of Peters’ religion and they were looking to Peter like the world looks at us (hoping to see the truth about Jesus) . . . Peter’s denial of
Jesus (the hypocrisy that he practiced before Jesus’ arrest – compared to his denial of what he claimed to believe afterward) had the effect of
“hiding the truth” about God’s promised salvation from those who needed it the most (from lost men who were searching Peter's life for the truth) . . . 

can you see that this pride in Peters’ life was “a lie” which had the effect of “shedding the blood” of those who were looking to him for the truth. 
Pride is revealed through hypocrisy – Pride is practiced through the telling of lies . . . and a lie is designed to HIDE the truth . . .
If our lives hide the truth about God and His salvation – can we honestly say that we are not
guilty of shedding the blood of others as we withhold from them “the way of life” . . . ?
So my point - is that it really is a big deal – when as God’s children we fail to worship properly.  

When Peter denied Jesus - he was as religious as any of the Pharisees that were alive at the time . . . but when he was converted – when he learned the real difference between pride and humility –
when Peter learned the real difference between religion and Christianity . . . he let go of what he was (he surrendered) – he let go of what he wanted . . . he surrendered and he was changed
he did not change himself – but (he was transformed by the renewing of his mind) so that Peter disappeared and a nameless servant took his place.
The presence of humility allowed God to teach Peter how to think differently than he did before when pride was controlling his life . . .
It is important that (as God’s children) – we learn the same lesson that Peter learned.  Worship is not at all about you and I . . . worship is about Jesus Christ.  

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